About Library
Our academic library's purpose is to support the teaching and research of the institution and to provide students with most updated knowledge with current on-goings in the society and scientific world. The library holds a huge collection of books, periodicals, subscribed journals and magazines, online resources, etc.
Maximum automation in library affairs
e-journals can be accessed
Establishment of Internet Center for students & faculty
Inter-library Loan System facility to other colleges and institutions.
Guidance in respect of technical and organizational matters relating to libraries is extended, when asked for.
Lists of prominent books added to the library are circulated to concerned Departments of the University.
Library Services
Staff @ Library
Sr. No. | Name | Snapshot | Qualification |
1. | To be appoinmted |
| M.A. , M.Lib. & Inf. Sci. |
2. | To be appoinmted | -- | B.A. |
3. | To be appoinmted | -- | 10th |
Library Timings
Library Working Hours | 10.00am to 12.30pm |
Lunch period | 12.30pm to 01.30pm |